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August 17th, 2010 •

Fenya is a Russian cant language used among criminals. The vocabulary changed over time, with notable infusion of words of Yiddish origin. During the times of the Soviet Union fenya penetrated into common spoken Russian and can no longer be considered cryptic, although it is still commonly associated with those who have connections to the Russian criminal culture or who have spent a significant amount of time incarcerated.

Flying carpets

August 14th, 2010 •

Are very sublime.

Fante, John

August 14th, 2010 •

Once you know how to say it like it is, you say it until you die, and that is the most comfort we can ask for in the people we surround ourselves with. One love Bandini.

Fludd, Robert

July 20th, 2010 •

Robert Fludd was a prominent English Paracelsian physician, astrologer, mathematician, cosmologist, Qabalist, Rosicrucian apologist.


June 15th, 2010 •

Fa’afafine is a third gender specific to Samoan culture. Fa’afafine are biological men who in childhood choose by their nature to be raised to assume female gender roles, something which is not discouraged in the traditional fa’asamoa (Samoan society).

Fleur de sel

February 10th, 2010 •

Fleur de sel is a hand-harvested sea salt collected by workers who scrape only the top layer of salt before it sinks to the bottom of large salt pans.

Ford, Walton

December 18th, 2009 •

Walton Ford

Foxton, Simon

September 20th, 2009 •

Simon Foxton. British stylist.

François, André

September 5th, 2009 •

Andre Francois. French cartoonist.

Fowler, Brendan

September 4th, 2009 •

Interview at Fecal Face.

Fischer, Urs

July 15th, 2009 •

Urs Fischer.


March 4th, 2009 •

Egoiste magazine. If anyone is selling issues, I’m buying.